Sunday, April 25, 2010

it's time to let loose.

In a society where we fight constantly for equal opportunity rights we are constantly judged for what we do. It's just the world we live in. We are so quick to judge others for their actions, or who they are hanging out with, or how they choose to spend their lives, money, etc. Today I got to experience a part of society that brought a positive light back into this harsh world we live in.

Amanda, my sister, a sophomore in college had a dance show today at school.. and if people know one thing about me it's my support for my family, especially Amanda and her love for dance/fame. (because lets face it.. she will be famous one day) As I sat in the top row of the bleachers and waited for the lights to dim, I began flipping through the program book and looking over the numbers/performances i was about to watch. As the show started with an over the top opening number (which featured gaga, the themes from ANTM and Nip/Tuck, as well as one my personal favorite songs "fashionista") I noticed something in the program book that caught my attention "SUNDAY PERFORMANCE ONLY" I looked up from my program and saw a group of young girls take the stage... this wasn't your everyday group of young girls. These girls ranged in age from 7-10/12? they call themselves the "let loose dance trope". these kids, all special needs or friends of special needs students lined up with their Salve dance volunteers, who led them into a group number. Seeing these girls dance with special needs was something that you have to see to believe. they hold a special place in my heart. The smiles on their faces are impossible to describe. What made me so happy watching these kids perform was the salve students who put 1. not only the time to volunteer and teach these kids, but 2. The EFFORT. In a society like we have today, children with special needs are usually pushed aside and told they can't do what other kids do because of their special need. As these kids took stage and "let loose" it was amazing to see them in action.. they got so excited to be on that stage performing as if they were honorary members of the Salve dance team. As they finished their number and took their bows the crowd clapped and gave an applause like no other. Not just because they were little kids, but because of their situation, and their ability to want to be like everyone else.

In our society today we tend to treat people with special needs differently. Weather we push them aside, or treat them as if they aren't capable of completing things the way we all are. Maybe, just maybe... instead of treating them differently, maybe they just want to be treated like everyone else. These little girls warmed my heart, and brought tears to my eyes. And for good reason. Everyone around me had the same tears flowing and the same look on their face... We need to give others a chance. Just when I lose all hope in people, life, society... things like this brighten your day and remind us there are good people in this world. I applaud these kids for having the courage to DANCE like no ones watching, let go of all the stereotypes society places on them.. and just DANCE THEIR LITTLE HEARTS OUT. I applaud the parents of these children... for allowing them the opportunity to interact with others in this way. I applaud the Salve students, who after working with the let loose dance troupe last year as part of a project, decided they warmed their hearts and continued on with this tradition, and for volunteering their time with these kids... to allow someone like me, the opportunity to have my heart warmed by something so simple and innocent. I hope to see these girls performing once again at next years spring dance show.

Although you may not have been able to experience the same feeling I did today by watching these girls perform, I'm sure you can find a way to relate. How many times in life do we feel like the outcast and just want to fit in with everyone else. We've all been there. Hell.. I know as a kid I was never the most athletic, the most popular... nor was I the best looking, or best anything for that matter. I look back at my younger years and wonder WOW.. how the hell did I become the person I am today based on what I was back then. I have a childhood filled with just bad memories from middle school/elementary school, etc.. but you know what.. those are the stories I share with people now, and laugh. How could I really think my life was that bad at the age of 7-8, hell.. look what I've been through lately and I'd rather be 7-8 again when my only worries were making sure I had green socks, my homework complete, and that I went to church on sundays (oh the joys of a catholic education).

I personally thank the "Let Loose Dance Troupe" for giving me a new vision for my week. A positive outlook on people. It's time we all let loose and dance like nobody is watching.