Sunday, July 17, 2011


If I learned anything about myself not only the over the past year or so, but over the course of my lifetime I'd say the lesson most important to me is to laugh. Laugh often, laugh hard, laugh loud and laugh proud. Make me laugh and I'll love you forever. Many people know that when my birthday month starts to creep up on me, I tend to be high strung, in a bad mood (often) and just over all depressed. Even if we are in the middle of the summer, my favorite time of the year, the sun is shining, my skin perfectly sun kissed, the windows are down, the sunroof open, the music blaring.. it just isn't enough for me.

After a rocky start to the month of July I decided it's not worth it anymore. There is absolutely no reason why I should ever be in a bad mood, after all.. the only person allowing myself to be in a bad mood is me. After spending a weekend out in the sun, sharing it with the people I love the most, I realized birthdays just aren't about getting a little older or focusing on all the things you wanted to accomplish the year before, it's about celebrating life. celebrating YOU.

So this year, as the big 2-5 approaches, now that I'm a quarter century old.. I look back and yes, I may not be where I thought Joshua at 25 would be at... but hey, I love the person I've become, I love where my life is going, I love waking up to friends and family that love me for who I am and I love me most of all. To hear people tell you how much they love you, or how much of an impact you have had on their life or even just to hear "you always make me laugh/smile" makes my day. Knowing that I'm having a positive impact on someones life just by being a part of it makes me a better and stronger person.

Below I leave you all with this, a list of 25 things I've learned about myself and life:

1. Family will always be the most important thing in my life.
2. Forgiveness is for yourself and no one else.
3. To share your insecurities with others will only make them love you more, not less.
4. Through life's busy schedule, be sure to always include time for yourself.
5. In a world run by technology, nothing is as satisfying as a tweet, text or wall post knowing that someone is thinking about you at that exact moment in time.
6. Find a partner who loves you as much as you love and respect yourself. Happiness is sure to ensue.
7. There is something to be said for looking back on life and thinking "wow I was a dumbass" but now, view that moment and just laugh at it.
8. Friendships can be sparked at a moments notice and can last a lifetime.
9. Own it. own up to your actions, no matter what they may be.
10. You are in charge of your own happiness.
11. A healthy body will lead to a healthy life.
12. Random acts of kindness never go unnoticed. You just made a complete strangers day.
13. I'm proud of the man I am.
14. If you are honest and tell the truth, you will never have to remember a lie.
15. Removing yourself from your comfort zone is a good thing.
16. Drama, no matter who said it, who shared it, who did it.. It's just not worth it. It will never make you happy.
17. People do change.
18. Inspire yourself. Inspire others.
19. Unplug your life, become a child again: play a board game, jump in a puddle, sing in the rain.
20. Rock bottom isn't always a bad thing. Rock bottom is the moment in life when you decide to change yourself, for better. I've hit rockbottom before and have been looking up ever since.
21. It does get better.
22. You are NEVER alone.
23. Love: Love hard. Love everyone. Love yourself.
24. Laugh a lot, often, hard and loud.
25. and last but not least.. I'm FUCKING AMAZING.

Thank you all for being apart of my life and making me who I am today. I am me because of you! You all inspire me on a daily basis and I'm so proud to call you all my friends, my family, my life. Happy 25th Birthday to me.. but this day isn't just about celebrating my life, t's about celebrating you, you are all apart of me and my life <3