Saturday, November 14, 2009

Defying Gravity.

This week on Glee "Becky" a girl with down syndrome tries out for the cheerleading team... and for some reason "Sue" the coach.. seemed to be up to something by allowing Becky, who was far from perfect...the final position on her squad.. who was preparing for a national competition. Now this squad was made up of nothing but the best.. so why would Sue, this downright mean, cold hearted individual allow her team to be mocked by allowing a girl who was FAR from perfect join her squad? ...Later in the episode Sue says "You want me to treat this girl different, but what I see is a girl who just wants to be treated like everybody else" Fast forward to the end of the episode, we see Sue visiting her sister in the nursing home, who is also living her life day to day with down syndrome. It just goes to show, as much as you think you know someone... you really don't know who they are, or what they are up to. This is a great example of judging a book by it's cover. You think you know someone so well, when really you don't know the first thing about that person. We as human beings are complex individuals, we have emotions, feelings, and a past that makes us who we are today. Sue may put out this downright mean image, but at the end of the day.. she saw her sister in Becky, and gave Becky the chance her sister would of always loved to have.

It's amazing to see how people change. Today, while at lunch with a very special person in my life... we began discussing our lives over this past year... and how much we have changed from the beginning of the year till now. How we've both grown as individuals, and really have the other to thank for a lot of that. It was nice to sit and see someone else realize how much of an impact we have made on each other. More so the impact that he has made in my life. As humans we must go out and create change, before change creates us. As i sit here now in my bathrobe, reflecting on my day/week/month/year... I look at all that I was able to accomplish and would I be able to do this without going through the emotional roller coaster of ups and downs I have experienced this year... probably, but the people, events in my life made me who I am, and at the end of the day, today and everyday.. I feel like a stronger person for the things I've been through.

Change should always be for the better. Change should be something that makes us GROW into a more positive person. When relationships/friendships go sour people always say "People change" this is so true, but a lot of the times people change for the worse. I'm proud to say that lately, and hopefully for a long time, the changes I make in my life are positive ones. One of the biggest changes in my life this year, was my coming out. I came out at time when I felt was right, I was ready to share myself with my family, with my boyfriend, with the world. Before I could EVER share my life with anyone else.. I had to be able to accept who I was. And I did. Finally.

While at lunch today we also talked about how falling for someone is very easy to do, Falling in love with that person comes naturally, and is just as easy. Breaking up with someone you love must be the hardest thing to do, but allowing that person back in your life weather it be in a romantic way or not, is even harder. To view what you once had and question.. do I want to subject myself to this again? That is when you must turn to your heart and do what is right... could I honestly see my life without this person in it, in SOME way shape or form? Today I asked that question.. do I want to live a life without this person in it? And the answer was no. Being able to make amends with ex's, old friends who may have hurt you, family, etc.. is hard. very hard. but being able to turn to each other, and still know what the other is thinking after not seeing each other for months.. is something you don't let slip away.

After experiencing this year my first relationship, and being involved head over heels with someone who I still look up to till this day, someone who no matter what happened between us, I still want to see succeed in life, someone who I want to see reach for the stars and actually hit those goals.. someone who is a genuinely good person, who not enough credit was ever given to... someone who isn't like everybody else. I see why I fell in love with this man, I see why he is so well liked, I was able to step outside of our relationship and view what a truly amazing man I was blessed with this year to be a part of MY life. we must realize people like this do not come a long often, and when they do we must hold on to them for as long as possible. We are reminded daily by god himself the of the gifts he has given us, but the greatest gift.. is love. It is not enough to just share that love with the ones we hold dear. We must lear to open our hearts to not only those who we hold close, but to all humanity.

We must learn to be slow to judge others, but quick to forgive. We must show patience for one another, we must show our Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance, sing, and enjoy!

In our lives we must learn to defy gravity. We must learn to take a chance. Look out over the edge of that cliff and not second guess ourselves. just JUMP.

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